Chatting With Aging Parents

Have you ever had a chat with a senior? I mean a real chat. Did you know they are a wealth of knowledge with endless snapshots of history? Try having one yourself and see what you soak up. Have you ever considered cataloguing your chats with your own parents, family friends or extended relatives? I never really thought about it until I was overcome with fear as to what information I might need to extract from my own parents’ brains when their health took a turn. Sounds easy, right? Not really. Below are a few things I’ve recently started doing:

  1. Yes, use your iPhone and make a video. Why not whip it out and start asking questions.
  2. Not in person, FaceTime! Modern technology is a game changer!
  3. Write it down. Keep a journal of your notes from conversations. Save quotes, important facts or funny “isms” you hear. My Mom can say some things that probably don’t need to be repeated! LOL
  4. Keep the mood upbeat. Don’t go down memory lane needing a box of tissue. Remember, you want to keep the mood fun and not so melancholy. Being a senior is depressing enough, so engage your peeps with liveliness and excitement to help encourage them to spill the beans.

Throughout Chits Chats, we’ll talk about topics to discuss, how to savor them and sometimes I’ll share a few of my own that are worth emulating in your own family.

We’ll also chat about when and how to start talking with your parents about those hard topics like finances, end of life wishes, the what if’s and much more. All relating to taking care of your parents and what you need to know to make those conversations go way better than you might imagine.

What are you waiting for – start chatting!

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