Best Shoes for Your Aging Dad

Why are orthopeadic type shoes so ugly for aging parents? I mean, I dread the day something actually happens to me and I have to wear shoes for comfort only. Can I get a “Amen”?

So, you help your aging Dad and it’s go time for new shoes that are actually practical. He wears New Balance and might even have some groovy On Cloud shoes, but you’ve started to notice he is no longer steady on his feet and squishing his chubby feet into laced up shoes is a pain in your ****. Like you literally have to get on the floor and shove his feet in the shoes. If this is you, you are going to love the new shoes I found on Amazon.

Before I share the lovely new footwear I finally discovered after years of looking for the perfect pair, let’s talk about the why. First, they have to have skids on the bottom. Aging people don’t really have the best balance. So, the bottom of the shoe is a actually really important. I bet you’ve never flipped over a pair of shoes to inspect the skid situation but this is truly at the top of the list for the “gotta haves” when picking out new shoes.

Second, they just can’t have laces. Laces are your enemy if you are on the hunt for new footwear. Can your aging Dad actually bend down and tie his shoes? Maybe he can but I bet this is tough for him to do. You don’t want laces and you definitely do not want Velcro. Let’s say that again. You do not want to buy any shoes, I mean any shoes with Velcro. Don’t do it!!

Last but not least is the appearance of the shoes. They have to be somewhat nice looking. I mean just because you are old doesn’t mean you have to succumb to all the aesthetically ugly items. I love old people that still dress hip and take pride in their appearance. You gotta help your aging parents out in this department. Don’t let me them go down the SAS road -lol.

So now comes my favorite new shoes for my Dad. I had been looking everywhere for shoes that would work for his feet and I finally found the pair that won my heart and were delicious for his diabetic chubby feet.

Check out the shoes below and grab you a pair today for your Dad. His feet will thank you. Easy on, easy off, with no slipping and sliding.

Click here for my favorite new find: