The Daughter

Let’s face it, no one prepares you for the day the health of your parents declines and you’re suddenly thrown into the driver’s seat taking control of their life and making critical decisions. Maybe once you hopped in that seat, you knew what to do and how to do it. Your parents had a plan, they discussed it with you and you were ready to take the wheel. Or, like me, you had absolutely no idea what to do.

Join me in exploring the journey of becoming “Mom” to your parents. Through my own experiences since 2020, I have learned how to handle this enormous responsibility and want to help other grown children navigate the process when Mom & Dad leave no clear path of how to deal with their health, finances and end of life wishes. I am a Mom of three incredible kids, a wifey, sistah, auntie, friend and of a course, a daughter. In other words, I might be a bit like you in some ways.

This blog is not your typical step by step guide on dealing with aging parents, but rather an upbeat positive spin on what of course is truly a difficult time. Be prepared to laugh, cry, or maybe even find a unique tip that would be helpful to your family.The one lesson I have learned is to somehow find the “joy” and to keep your chin up. I will also add that I am by no means an expert on topics shared on this blog. I’m simply using this platform to hopefully help others who just might not know what to do or how to start the conversation. ACB

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